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原告: 员工
被申请人: 雇主
连杆箱编号. 4. 1979年6月28日.

Board of Trustees: Julius Mullins, Chairman; John J. O’Connell, Trustee; Paul R. 迪恩,受托人.

根据美国联合煤矿工人1950年福利计划和信托皇冠搏彩中心网站第九条, 并根据美国劳工部授予的豁免授权, 受托人审查了有关雇员是否有资格从雇主那里获得延长医疗和其他非养老金福利的争议的事实和情况,并在此提出他们对此事的意见.


8月23日,雇员在雇主的矿井中举升岩石时背部受伤,可赔偿, 1977 and was off work due to the injury for 53 weeks. 在1977年8月23日之前的24个月期间,员工工作超过2000小时.

1977年8月至9月27日,雇员因受伤领取工人赔偿, 1978 and was then offered a 5% permanent partial settlement for the August 23, 1977人受伤. 然而,雇员拒绝了和解提议,并退还了随提议而来的支票.

员工 returned to work on August 30, 1978 and worked on August 30 and 31 and September 1 and 5, 1978, 员工 alleges that he re-injured his back at work on September 5, 1978 and has been off work since then, without medical coverage. During the 24-month period prior to September 5, 1978, 员工工作时间1,300 hours; he worked 32 of these hours after his return to work on August 30, 1978.

雇员根据9月5日所谓的再次受伤提出了工人赔偿要求, 1978, but that claim 仍然待定.

由于工人的赔偿要求,雇员没有支付疾病和事故福利, 决定雇员是否有资格获得额外的疾病及意外福利的依据是什么, 仍然待定.


根据雇员在8月30日期间在雇主的工作,雇主是否需要为雇员及其符合条件的家属提供健康和其他非养老金福利, 1978 through September 5, 1978?
如果是这样的话, 在哪段时间内,员工有资格延长该等福利:(1)9月5日之后的30天, 1978, or (2) the remainder of the month of September, 1978 and the six months next following?

Positions of the Parties

雇员职位:雇主必须根据雇员自8月30日起的工作时间,向雇员及其符合条件的家属提供健康和其他非养老金福利, 1978, pursuant to the terms of the 雇主 Plan, 第三节, 文章花絮.(2)(3) and (4), since 员工 returned to work on that day.

此外, 员工有权在9月5日期间延长这些福利, 1978 through March 30, 1979, 根据第3条, 文章花絮. 和第三条.(1) of the 雇主 Plan, since 员工 ceased work on September 5, 1978 due to an occupational disability and had worked 1,300 hours for the 雇主 during the 24-month period prior to September 5, 1978.

雇主职位:雇主不需要为雇员或其家属提供任何时期的健康和其他非养老金福利,因为雇员在8月30日返回工作岗位时已经缺席工作超过12个月, 1978年,他只工作了4天,就因为残疾而停止了工作,而疾病和事故津贴是最高的.

在另一种情况下, 如果雇员自8月30日起根据其为雇主的工作被确定有资格享受该福利, 1978 through September 5, 1978, 自9月5日起,员工的资格最多可延长30天, 1978 since 员工 worked only 32 hours during that seven day period. 员工 had already used the other 1,268 hours he worked from September 5, 1976 through August 23, 1977 to cover his period of unemployment between August 23, 1977年和8月30日, 1978.

Pertinent Provisions of 雇主 Plan

第三节, Article II provides, in part:

A. 员工

Benefits under Article Ill shall be provided to any 员工 who:

* * * *

(2) 在3月27日被雇主解雇或失去工作资格,并继续享有资格, 1978, 根据1974年美国联合矿工福利计划(“先前计划”)作为下岗或残疾雇员的保险. 对这些下岗或残疾雇员的保险不得在其根据先前计划的规定不再有资格获得此类保险的日期之后继续提供.

(3) Except as provided in paragraph (2) above, 3月27日未积极为雇主工作*的雇主的任何雇员, 1978, 在他回到雇主的工作岗位之前,他将没有资格享受本计划的保险。

(4) 新雇员从为雇主工作的第一天起就有资格享受健康福利.

Section-3, Article III provides, in part:

E. 一般规定

(1) Continuation of Coverage

(a) 裁员

If an 员工 ceases work because of layoff, continuation of health, 视力保健, life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverages is as follows:

Number of Hours Worked for
the 雇主 in the Calen- Period of Coverage
dar Month Period Prior Continuation from Date
to the Date 最后的工作 最后的工作

2000小时以上 Balance of month plus 12 months

500或更多但更少 Balance of month plus
2000小时以上 6个月

少于500小时 30天

(b) 残疾

Except as otherwise provided in Article Il, 部分C, if an 员工 ceases work because of disability, the 员工 will be eligible to continue health, 视力保健, 伤残时的人寿、意外死亡和肢解保险,以(i)有资格领取疾病和意外福利金的期间较长者为准, or (ii) the period as set forth in the schedule in (a) above.


During the 24-month period prior to August 23, 1977, 员工 had worked more than 2,在此基础上,将有资格继续享受1974年福利计划12个月的保险, 到8月31日, 1978. He received Workmen’s Compensation based on the August 23, 1977人受伤, 因此, 从8月24日开始,员工有资格享受长达52周的持续福利, 1977年,根据他因矿难而获得疾病和意外津贴的资格.

When 员工 returned to work on August 30, 1978年,根据上述两种选择,他继续享有福利的资格已经过期. When 员工 returned to work on August 30, 1978, 根据第3条,他有资格作为雇员返回工作岗位享受福利, 文章花絮.(2) of the 雇主 Plan. 由于雇员在原权利期限届满后返回工作岗位, 他获得持续福利的资格仅取决于他在该期限届满后的工作时数. 因此, since 员工 worked only 32 hours after he returned to work on August 30, 1978, 他享受医疗和其他非养恤金福利的资格从9月5日起持续30天, 1978, pursuant to the schedule in 第三节, 文章IIIE.(1)(a) of the 员工 Plan.

Opinion of the Trustees

受托人认为,雇主必须在8月30日期间向雇员及其合格家属提供健康和其他非养老金福利, 1978 through October 4, 1978, subject to the limitations provided in the Plan, pursuant to the NBCWA of 1978, XX条, 节(C).

如果根据9月5日所称的地雷伤害,确定员工有权获得额外的疾病和事故福利资格, 1979, 在领取或有资格领取该等疾病和事故福利时,员工将有资格获得福利保险.

然而, 因为这一决定显然取决于悬而未决的工人赔偿索赔的决定, the Trustees have no basis for an opinion on that aspect of this dispute.