File Download: 84-190



In Re

Complainant: Disabled Employee
Respondent: Employer
ROD Case No: 84-190 – July 28, 1986

Board of Trustees: Joseph P. Connors, Sr., Chairman; Paul R. Dean, Trustee; William B. Jordan, Trustee; William Miller, Trustee; Donald E. Pierce, Jr., Trustee.

根据美国煤矿工人联合会(“UMWA”)1980年福利计划和信托的第九条, 并根据美国劳工部授予的豁免授权, 受托人审查了有关根据雇主福利计划条款为残疾雇员提供福利保险的争议的事实和情况.

Background Facts

投诉人自11月3日起为被投诉人进行分类工作, 1969 until November 17, 1984年,他因动脉瘤导致脑出血. According to Funds’ records, the Complainant worked 2,在紧接答辩人最后一次工作日期之前的24个月期间内的862小时. 由于申诉人的身体状况,他直到1986年4月2日才恢复工作.

被投诉人说,它从11月17日起继续为申诉人提供医疗保险, 1984 through November 30, 1985. 申诉人有资格领取为期52周的疾病和事故津贴. When the Complainant returned to work on April 2, 1986, 作为一名有效雇员,他的福利被恢复了.

申诉人的工会代表要求判定被投诉人负责支付申诉人动脉瘤和脑出血的所有医疗费用, 无论提供此类服务的日期如何.


被投诉人是否有责任为投诉人11月30日以后的残疾状况提供医疗保险, 1985?

Position of the Parties


被投诉人的立场:被投诉人只负责从11月17日起为投诉人提供持续的福利保障, 1984 through November 30, 1988.

Pertinent Provisions


Article I – Definitions


(1) “Employer” means (name of coal company).

(2) “工资协议”指1984年《官方网站》, 如不时修订及任何后续协议.

(4) “雇员”系指为雇主从事保密工作的人员, eligible to receive benefits hereunder.

Article II C. (3) of the Employer Benefit Plan provides:

Article II – Eligibility


C. Disabled Employees

除了领取养恤金福利并因此有权根据本条B款领取健康福利的残疾养恤金领取人之外, 第3条规定的健康福利也应提供给下列任何雇员:

(3) Is receiving or would, upon proper application, 有资格根据工资协议领取疾病和事故福利.


Article III A. (11)(a) 2(ii) and D. 雇主福利计划的(1)(a)、(b)及(d)项规定:

Article III – Benefits

A. Health Benefits

(11) General Exclusions
(a)除了《皇冠搏彩中心网站》中另有规定的具体除外事项之外, benefits are also not provided for the following:

2. Services rendered


D. General Provisions

(1) Continuation of Coverage

(a) Layoff

If an Employee ceases work because of layoff, continuation of health, 人寿、意外死亡和肢解保险的保险范围如下:

Numbers of Hours Worked for the
Employer in the 24 Consecutive
Calendar Month Period Immediately
Prior to the Employee’s Date Last Period of Coverage Continuation
Worked from the Date Last Worked

2,000 or more hours Balance of month plus 12 months

500 or more but less than Balance of month plus 6 months 2,000 hours

Less than 500 hours 30 days

(b) Disability

Except as otherwise provided in Article II, section C, if an Employee ceases work because of disability, the Employee will be eligible to continue health, 残疾时的人寿、意外死亡和肢解保险,以(i)有资格领取疾病和意外福利金的期间较长者为准, 或(ii)上述(a)项附表所列期间.

(d) Maximum Continuation of Coverage

在任何情况下,(a)条款的任何组合均不得, (b), (c), 上述(e)或(g)项的结果是,在该月余额加上自最后工作日期起计的12个月后,继续承保.


Under Article III D. of the Employer Benefit Plan, 雇主必须为残疾雇员提供持续的健康福利,以其有资格享受疾病和事故福利的期间为准,或以其在最后一次工作日期之前的24个月期间内的工作时数为准. Funds’ records show that the Complainant worked 2,答辩人在11月17日出现致残症状之前的连续24个日历月期间的862小时, 1984. Accordingly, 被投诉人负责在11月30日之前继续为投诉人提供医疗福利, 1985, the maximum period allowable under Article III D.

Article III A. 雇主福利计划(Employer Benefit Plan)的第(11)条特别不包括雇员在本计划下享有福利的资格期终止后提供的服务. Consequently, 被投诉人不负责为11月30日以后提供的服务继续提供保险, 1988.

Opinion of the Trustees

被投诉人负责向投诉人提供医疗保险,直至11月30日, 1988. 被投诉人不负责在11月30日之间继续为投诉人提供任何服务, 1985 and his reinstatement as an active employee.