



原告: 被解雇的员工
被申请人: 雇主
ROD案例编号: 84-273——1987年1月27日

董事会:Joseph P. 康纳斯,老., Chairman; Paul R. Dean,受托人; William B. Jordan,受托人; William Miller,受托人; Donald E. 皮尔斯,小.,受托人.

Pursuant to Article IX of the United Mine Workers of America (“UMWA”) 1950 Benefit Plan and Trust, and under the authority of an exemption granted by the United States Department of Labor, the Trustees have reviewed the facts and circumstances of this dispute concerning the provision of benefits coverage for a laid-off Employee under the terms of the 雇主 Benefit Plan.


The Complainant was employed in a classified position by the Respondent from June 1984 through 4月8日, 1986, 当他被解雇的时候. 在4月8日之前的24个月内, 1986, 投诉人工作1,被申请人138小时. 被投诉人向申诉人提供了截至4月30日的医疗保险, 1986年之后终止了所有保险.

The Respondent claims that the Complainant accepted work with another coal hauling company, G&R货运公司&1986年4月8日,他被解雇. The Respondent contends that under Article III (D)(1)(f)雇主福利计划 the Complainant was required to notify the Respondent by certified mail within 10 days of acceptance of such employment. The Respondent claims that the Complainant’s failure to give notice of his employment with G&R导致申诉人的健康福利保险终止. 为了支持申诉人为G工作的说法&在他被解雇之后, the Respondent has submitted a signed statement by another laid-off Employee of the Respondent (“Co-worker”), 其中,该同事声称他看到申诉人为G&1986年4月中旬前后.

申诉人声称他为G .工作&R Trucking Company for approximately five days prior to 4月8日, 1986 and did not work for G&日期之后的R. 为了支持他的索赔,投诉人提交了G公司的两(2)张支票&R货运公司成立于1986年3月23日和1986年4月14日. 申诉人声称,这些是他从G .获得的全部赔偿&R,他通常在完成工作后2至3周获得报酬. The Complainant has also submitted a copy of The West Virginia Department of Employment
安全的决心, 索赔日期为4月13日, 1986, 表明没有对他是否有资格领取失业补助提出争议.

在与皇冠搏彩中心网站组织工作人员的电话交谈中,G&R货运公司声明G&R没有投诉人受雇日期的记录, 但她记得申诉人曾受雇于G&R大约两天. G的总裁&R说,申诉人为G工作时&他继续为另一个雇主全职工作. 她还说G&R曾两次向投诉人付款,而这是G&R延迟支付雇员工资2至4周的政策.

The Complainant stated that he began working for another trucking company on September 8, 1986.


Whether the Respondent is responsible for providing the Complainant with continued 健康 benefits coverage after April 30, 1986.


Position of the 原告: The Respondent is responsible for providing the Complainant with continued 健康 benefits coverage after April 30, 1986.

Position of the 被申请人: The Complainant accepted employment with another 雇主 on or about the middle of April 1986, 在他被答辩人解雇之后. The Complainant’s failure to notify the Respondent of such employment properly resulted in the termination of his continued 健康 benefits coverage.





(1) “雇主”指(煤炭公司).

(2) “工资协议”指1984年《皇冠搏彩中心》, 如不时修订及任何后续协议.

(4) “雇员”系指为雇主从事保密工作的人员, 有资格获得本协议项下的福利.

第二条A款. (1)雇主福利计划规定:


The persons eligible to receive the 健康 benefits pursuant to Article III are as follows:

A. 积极的员工


(1) 在工资协议生效之日为雇主积极工作*;

第三条D. 雇主福利计划的(1)(a)和(f)条款规定:


D. 一般规定

(1) 续保

(a) 裁员

如果雇员因裁员而停止工作, 健康的延续, 人寿、意外死亡和肢解保险的保险范围如下:

24 .雇主
紧接前一时期 保险期限
雇员日期 继续
最后的工作 最近工作日期

2000小时以上 月加余额
500或更多,但少于 月加余额
2000小时 6个月
少于500小时 30天

*Actively at work includes an Employee of the 雇主 who was actively at work on September 30, 1984, and who returns to active work with the 雇主 two weeks after the effective date of the Wage Agreement.

(f) 其他就业

尽管有上述规定, in the event an Employee accepts employment during a period of continued coverage under paragraph (a), 健康, life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage will terminate as of the date of such employment. If, 然而, such employment subsequently terminates prior to the date the Employee’s coverage under paragraph (a) otherwise terminates, 雇员的健康, life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage will be reinstated following the later of (i) termination of such employment or (ii) any continued 健康 coverage resulting therefrom, and will continue to the date such coverage under paragraph (a) would have otherwise terminated. It is the obligation of the Employee to notify the 雇主 within 10 days by certified mail of both the acceptance and termination of such employment; failure to provide such notice will result in permanent termination of coverage. Nothing in this paragraph shall extend coverage beyond the date determined pursuant to paragraph (a).


第三条D.(1)(a) of the 雇主 Benefit Plan provides that the 健康的延续 benefits coverage for a laid-off Employee is based upon the number of hours worked by the Employee during the 24 consecutive calendar month period immediately prior to the Employee’s last day worked. 由于申诉人工作1,被申请人在最后工作日前的24个月内工作138小时, 4月8日, 1986, 他有资格享受第三条D款规定的健康福利.(1)(a)至1986年10月.

根据第三条D款.(1)(f)雇主福利计划, an Employee who accepts other employment subsequent to layoff is obligated to notify the 雇主 within 10 days by certified mail of both the acceptance and termination of such employment. Failure to provide the required notice results in permanent termination of continued coverage.

被投诉人声称申诉人为G&他于1986年4月8日被解雇后,在R货运公司工作. The Respondent has provided a statement signed by a co-worker indicating that he saw the Complainant hauling coal for G&大概在1986年4月中旬. 在与皇冠搏彩中心网站工作人员的电话交谈中, the Respondent’s representative has indicated that he cannot confirm the dates of the Complainant’s employment with G&R. 事实上, the signed statement submitted by the co-worker fails to indicate if the Complainant was seen hauling coal for G&1986年4月8日之后.

申诉人声称他没有为G工作&1986年4月8日之后,他成为R卡车运输公司的董事. 为了支持他的主张,他提交了G&R表明他在1986年3月23日和1986年4月14日获得报酬. G的总裁&R证实申诉人只两次得到G的付款&R,并且该付款是针对付款日期前2至4周进行的工作. G的总裁&R还说,在申诉人为G工作期间&R,投诉人继续在另一家公司全职工作.

根据所提供的信息, 可以合理地得出结论,申诉人没有为G工作&1986年4月8日,他被解雇. 因此, the Respondent is responsible for providing the Complainant with continued coverage under 第三条D.(1)(a) 1986年4月30日后.

申诉人于9月8日开始在另一家货运公司工作, 1986, 而没有向答辩人提供有关该等雇用的所需通知. 根据第三条D款.(1)(f), the Complainant’s failure to provide notice of his employment to the Respondent resulted in the termination of his continued coverage as of the date of such employment. 因此, the Respondent is responsible for the provision of continued 健康 benefits coverage for the Complainant from April 30, 1986年至9月8日, 1986.


The Respondent is responsible for providing the Complainant’s continued 健康 benefits coverage from April 30, 1986年至9月8日, 1986.